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Books by Tom Holt translated to German, Polish, French and Japanese

Auch Götter sind nur Menschen (Odds and Gods)

Richards Blockbuster: Expecting Someone Taller and Flying Dutch published in one volume

Immer Ärger mit Georgie (Paint Your Dragon)

Wir haben Sie irgendwie größer erwartet von Tom Holt (Expecting Someone Taller)

Several of Tom Holt's books have been translated to German, here's a list of those I know of:

Expecting Someone TallerWir haben Sie irgendwie größer erwartet
Who's Afraid of Beowulf?Wer hat Angst vor Beowulf?
GoatsongDer Ziegenchor
The Walled OrchardDer Garten hinter der Mauer
Flying DutchDer Fliegende Holländer
Ye Gods!Liebling der Götter
OvertimeWenn die Zeit nun aber ein Loch hat...
Here Comes the SunIm Himmel ist die Hölle los
GrailblazersSnottys Gral
Faust Among EqualsFaust und Konsorten
Odds and GodsAuch Götter sind nur Menschen
Djinn Rummy
    (planned, but never published in German)
Paint Your DragonImmer Ärger mit Georgie
Open Sesame
    (planned, but never published in German)
Sesam öffne dich
My HeroMein Held
 "Der fliegende Holländer" and "Wir haben Sie irgendwie größer erwartet" have been published in one volume called "Richards Blockbuster".
Snottys Gral (Grailblazers)Faust und Konsorten (Faust Among Equals)

Books in Polish

Earth, Air, Fire and CustardZiemia, powietrze, ogień i… budyń
In Your DreamsŚniło ci się
The Portable DoorPrzenośne drzwi
A Song for NeroPieśń dla Nerona

Books in French

Who's Afraid of Beowulf?Qui a peur de Beowulf?
Expecting Someone TallerJ'vous imaginais pas comme ça

Whos Afraid of Beowulf? (Shippuu Mahou Taisen) Who's Afraid of Beowulf? has been translated to Japanese and is called Shippuu Mahou Taisen.
The title in Japanese might be "疾風魔法大戦 (ハヤカワ文庫) [文庫]".
ISBN: 4-15-020250-8, published by Hayakawa Publishing.

If anyone has more information about other books being translated, or covers of the books, please mail me. The German books are published by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag.

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Book Cover of My Hero

Quote from My Hero

Tact comes as naturally to full-bore handguns as, say, ice-skating to African elephants, but there comes a time when an exceptional individual is prepared to stand up and break the mould.
(Tom Holt, "My Hero")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

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All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.