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Here Comes the Sun by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Here Comes the Sun

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Cover by
Steve Lee

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Here Comes the Sun

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You can read more about this book at Amazon's websites (where you also can order the book):
Normal paper editions
Amazon UK (Paperback) Here Comes the Sun
Amazon USA (Paperback) Here Comes the Sun
Amazon Canada (Paperback) Here Comes the Sun
Amazon Deutschland (Paperback) Here Comes the Sun
Kindle (eBook) editions
Amazon UK (Kindle edition) Here Comes the Sun
Amazon USA (Kindle edition) Here Comes the Sun
Amazon Canada (Kindle edition) Here Comes the Sun
Amazon Deutschland (Kindle edition) Here Comes the Sun
Category: humourous science fiction
First published: 1993
Publisher: Orbit, published
ISBN: 1857231252, Hardcover, 282 pages
Publisher: Orbit, published 20 Jan 1994
ISBN: 1857231872, Paperback, 288 pages
Size: 10.8 x 17.7 cm
Publisher: Hachette Digital, published 1 Oct 2009
ISBN: B002TZ3DNU, Kindle edition, 288 pages

This novel is included in the omnibus Divine Comedies: Omnibus 3.

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

The sun rises late, dirty and so badly in need of a service it's a wonder it gets up at all. The moon's going to be scrapped soon and a new one commisioned - but then, they've been saying that for years...

All is not well with the universe, and though there's a hell of a tidying up job to be organised after some carelessness with earthquakes and tidal waves, surely it's crazy to get mortals to run the show? Things may be bad, but isn't that going to extremes?

The irrepressible Tom Holt hits the mark yet again with a dazzling foray into fantasy ... of the hilarious kind.

Unfortunatly, I never scribbled down what I thought about the book. But I did enjoy the book, it's Tom Holts' first humourous science fiction-novel, and is really amusing.

This book has also been translated to German.

Other people's reviews of this book

Charles review

If you have read this book and have written down your thoughts, please mail me the location of your review and I will link it from here.

What critics have said

`This is comedy with a very wide grin'

`It had both myself and the person sitting next to me on the train laughing out loud!'

Quotes from Here Comes the Sun

"How many spectral warriors does it take to change a light-bulb?
 One, and a stepladder. At a pinch, of course, he could stand on a chair."
The girl curtseyed again and danced off down the hill, leaving Bjorn alone at last with the trees, the birds, the squirrels and his ingrowing toenail. For a while he stood and looked aimlessy about him, until his eye lit on one tree that he recognized. It was a tall, ancient oak and he remembered it well; he had climbed it as a boy, and his grandfather had often lifted him up into its branches, pointing out to him all the marvellous things he could see. How wonderful it is, his grandfather used to say, to sit in a high tree and look out over all kingdoms of the world, as if one were God's own eyes!
  Bjorn braced his feet, grinned, and set about cutting it down.

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Book Cover of Expecting Someone Taller

Quote from Expecting Someone Taller

Mr. Ayres winced slightly. He disliked the German race, probably because they had thoughtlessly capitulated before he had been old enough to get at them during the War.
(Tom Holt, "Expecting Someone Taller")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

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