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Djinn Rummy by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Djinn Rummy

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Cover by
Steve Lee

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Djinn Rummy

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Cover by
Steve Lee, the backside

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Djinn Rummy

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You can read more about this book at Amazon's websites (where you also can order the book):
Normal paper editions
Amazon UK (Paperback) Djinn Rummy
Amazon USA (Paperback) Djinn Rummy
Amazon Canada (Paperback) Djinn Rummy
Amazon Deutschland (Paperback) Djinn Rummy
Kindle (eBook) editions
Amazon UK (Kindle edition) Djinn Rummy
Amazon USA (Kindle edition) Djinn Rummy
Amazon Canada (Kindle edition) Djinn Rummy
Amazon Deutschland (Kindle edition) Djinn Rummy
Category: humourous fantasy fiction
First published: 10 Aug 1995
Publisher: Orbit, published
ISBN: 1857233298, Hardcover, 278 pages
Size: 21.8 x 14.4 x 2.8 cm
Publisher: Orbit, published 2 May 1996
ISBN: 1857233638, Paperback, 288 pages
Size: 17.2 x 10.8 x 2 cm
Publisher: Hachette Digital, published 5 Nov 2009
ISBN: B002TXZSDA, Kindle edition, 288 pages

This novel is included in the omnibus Fishy Wishes: Omnibus 7.

"Djinn Rummy - In an aspirin bottle, nobody can hear you scream."

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

Outside an aspirin bottle, however, things are somewhat different. And when Kayaguchiya Integrated Circuits III (Kiss, to his friends), a Force Twelve genie with an attitude, is released after fourteen years of living with two dozen white tablets, there's bound to be trouble.

Take, for example, Jane. All she wanted was to end her miserable life in peace, with a minimum of fuss, in the privacy of a British Rail waiting room, but now she's got herself a genie for company. Lucky old Jane. Lucky, that is, until the apocalypse rears its ugly head.

This book was planned to be released in German, with the name "Flaschengeister" but was never actually published.

My review of this book

After reading this book I scribbled down this on the 20th of June 1997
A genuine genie gets into a lot of trouble when it get's realeased by Jane, a woman that only was trying to commit suicide by eating far to many asprins than any doctor with a degree would recommend. Imagine her surpricse when out of the bottle a little genie named Kiss pops out and she suddenly gets three wishes. Imagine Kiss surprise when Jane's first wish is that she wishes twelwe million more wishes. Learn more about how genies work, and that there are more of them around than you think. And that not all of them are good...some are even bad. This book is a great one by Tom Holt, not his best but it certainly will make you laugh for yourself. Hmm...funny that I always says something like this about every book I read...let's change: Don't read this book..ever! But read all other of Tom Holt's books and then let's see if you can resist reading this as well ;)

Other people's reviews of this book

Rambles review

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Quotes from Djinn Rummy

...and we have already seen how insurance is like a pyramid -
 (Huge, incomprehensible, hideously, expensive, completly unnecessary and specifically designed only to be of benefit to you once you're dead?)
'That's all right, then.' The Chief Druid glanced round.
 His flock were waiting, with all the silent embarrassment of grown men asked to hold hands with other grown men who they'd probably see again the next day, but wearing suits and ties rather than long grey wollen gowns.
Wherever you go, he remembered his brothers telling him, whichever inhospitable corner of the globe you wind up in, you can always be sure of finding three tall, bronzed Aussies in beach clothes and beat-up old camper.
 And you can bet your life that when the chips are down, they're not the ones whose fan-belts breaks three hundred miles from the nearest garage.
Genies rarely have nightmares, for the same reason that elephants don't usually worry about being trampled underfoot. With the possible exception of bottles, there's nothing in the cosmos large enough or malicious enough to frighten them, or stupid enough to try.
 Save the world and you get merit in Heaven.
 Save ten worlds and you get a free alarm clock radio.

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Book Cover of Faust Among Equals

Quote from Faust Among Equals

"It's not just the hours. It's the hours and hours and hours that get to me."
(Tom Holt, "Faust Among Equals")
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