www.edlin.org / Tom Holt
The Tom Holt Webpage
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The Tom Holt Offline Random Quote Generator

With this thingy, you will always have humorous quotes popping up in your computer, without having connect to the Internet. It works on ALL computers as long as you have a browser that handles JavaScript, if you are not sure if your browser handles that, just download it and see if it works.

To download, just click with your RIGHT button on this link.
In the menu that pops up, choose Save as, and save the document somewhere on your computer so you know where you will have it.

Now the hard part is over, and you can disconnect from the Internet.
Whenever you feel like having amusing random quotes, just double-click on the downloaded document (which will be named quotegenerator.html) and the generator will start.

You DO NOT have to be connected to the Internet to get random quotes, just open the document that you saved on your computer. It even comes with a nifty thing that will tell you if there a newer version for you to download.

Current version is: 0.013, 6th of February 2000

If you are having any problems, please contact me and we'll try to sort out why it won't work.

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Book Cover of Ye Gods!

Quote from Ye Gods!

`Now then, Pol, you and I and Mary and the dog will form the rearguard, and the rest of us...'
`That only leaves me,' said Jason.
`The rest of us will form the front line contingents. Ready, Jason?'
`Here they come.'
(Tom Holt, "Ye Gods!")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

https://www.edlin.org / holtContact: use this form

All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.