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Poems by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Poems

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Category: poetry
Publisher: M.Joseph & M.& J.Hobbs, published
ISBN: 0718111818, Hardcover, 53 pages
His debut as a writer at the age of 13.

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

Poems, by Tom Holt, Introduction by Edward Lucie-Smith

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Book Cover of Who's Afraid of Beowulf?

Quote from Who's Afraid of Beowulf?

 `Shall I bring the game, then?'
 Prexz scratched his head. On the one hand, the world was full of new, exciting things for a chtonic spirit to do: elemnts to explore, currents of power coursing through the magma layer to revel in, static to drink and ultrasound to eat. On the other hand, he was winning.
 `Go on then,' he said. `Might as well.'
(Tom Holt, "Who's Afraid of Beowulf?")
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