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Bitter Lemmings by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Bitter Lemmings

You can read more about this book at Amazon's websites (where you also can order the book):
Amazon UK (Paperback) Bitter Lemmings
Amazon USA (Paperback) Bitter Lemmings
Amazon Canada (Paperback) Bitter Lemmings
Amazon Deutschland (Paperback) Bitter Lemmings

Category: anthology with filk-songs
Publisher: Beccon Publications; 2nd Revised edition, published
ISBN: 1870824393, Paperback, 40 pages
Size: 29 x 20.2 x 0.4 cm
Publisher: Beccon Publications, published April 1997
ISBN: 1870824385, Spiral, 40 pages

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

Presenting mister Tom Holt & his collection of songs for stage & music hall
An anthology of Holt's filksongs.
39 songs including some wicked second/third/.. level filks. All to well known folk/filk tunes, so no music provided.
Illustrated by Zander Nyrond

The book can probably be ordered from Beccon Publications as well:
Beccon Publications,
75 Rosslyn Ave,
Harold Wood,

Roger Robinson's email address is books@beccon.org, for further information (like shipping to other countries).

Bitter Lemmings from the Lemmings computer game
(Nothing to do with the book, but it's the "Bitter Lemmings"-level from the computer game...eh....yup..)

If you have read this book and have written down your thoughts, please mail me the location of your review and I will link it from here.

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Book Cover of Ye Gods!

Quote from Ye Gods!

Jason, meanwhile, was getting nicely into his rhytm. He had split the Helmet of Authority, sliced the thunderbolts into mortadella, shattered the Breastplate of Power and was just about to make an end of it when...
  `Jason!' said a voice behind him. `You stop that immediately, you hear me?'
  Jason sighed very, very deeply and lowered his sword.
  `Yes, mum,' he said.
(Tom Holt, "Ye Gods!")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

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All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.